miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009


- Paramore

The website is like a normal blog. It has a video and butterflies. Finding this web page was really easy for me. I put paramore in google. What I would change are the colors and how the things are orginized. you can click and see videos of this band. there are not pictures.


- Gossip Girl

This website looks god. I like it because I think it has colors that make you wnat to see it. I founded this in google. I just wrote Gossip Girl. It has a video where you can see the full episodes. There is only one picture of them in the first page. I would'nt change the website i think like that is good.


-Becky Gulsvig

This website looks good because is pink and that color rapresents one of the movies this actress does. I think is well orginized. To find this page wasnt really easy. It was easier to find the other ones. To see videos you have to click on things. If I could change something I would put color on the sides. 9/10

- Orphan

This webpage looks scary. I like it because thats the point of it. The navigation was easy , I used Google to find it. It has a video, The video is the trailer of the movie. I woulnt change anything. I like how this webpage looks. 10/10

- Chivas

I didint like that much this website. It was good but not awesome. The navigation wasnt easy because I needed to serch it in another language and I didint know that. It has images of this team playing. I would chande the colors because their team is more red than blue and their website is a little blue. 7/10

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